More practice. I'm glad I am doing these more often. They're not so special, but what’s important to me that I am getting better(hopefully). Thanks for looking.
Horay another painting. Just more practice to get me painting every week instead every other month. Its nothing special. I saw these awesome character paintings from a pixar movie that I am aiming for. Hopefully I can get to that skill level! Thanks for looking
hmm not so great. I messed up. I am trying to do these once a week with other projects I am doing too. Hopefully I can keep on track. Thanks for looking
Just some studies I did.. I tried to push myself . I was working on other projects and i got frustrated so i painted faces instead. I find it relaxing painting faces. I think I'm getting better. I tried a new way to paint these faces. Instead of making it up I looked at many reference pictures. I liked it better this way. Thanks for looking.